¡Carmen nos salvó! Eso a lo mejor suena exagerado, pero cuando recuerdo el primer día que entré en su oficina con mi hija, me maravillo de pensar cómo nos ayudó. Esa primera visita fue hace 12 años. Desde entonces ella también ha ayudado a mis otras dos hijas. Carmen es considerada, se preocupa por sus […]
Continue ReadingCarmen Saved Us
“Carmen saved us. That may sound extreme, but when I think back to the first day I walked into her office with my daughter, I marvel at how she helped us! That first visit was 12 years ago. Since then she helped my other two daughters as well. She is caring and thoughtful and her […]
Continue Reading¡Le Prometo Que No Se Decepcionarán!
“He sido cliente de la Dra. Salas por un par de años. Ella es muy entregada, conocedora de su profesión , y muy dulce. Mi experiencia con ella a lo largo de los años me ha ayudado a ser más creativa en el manejo de mis situaciones o personas que no puedo controlar sin importar […]
Continue ReadingYou Have Gone The Extra Mile
I would like to start out by saying thank you very much for listening and helping me. I am very grateful that my employer referred me to you because it has been a blessing. You have gone the extra mile in trying to find and giving me the help that I wanted and needed. My […]
Continue ReadingI Promise, You Won’t Be Disappointed!
I have been a client of Dr Salas for a couple of years. She is very passionate, knowledgeable, resourceful, and down right just a sweetheart! My experience with her over the years has assisted me in becoming more resourceful in handling things or people that I can’t control no matter what the platform. Using the […]
Continue ReadingI Have Found Her Method To Be Very Effective
I come from a background of military service where open discussion of mental performance and emotions was difficult for me. I currently work in a stressful field and realized my performance was being degraded not due to my professional knowledge or physical abilities, but my stress levels and mental function overall. I sought assistance from […]
Continue ReadingLisa Gets An A+ Rating In My Book
I am 53 years old and I suffer from Bipolar, Anxiety, Depression and schizophrenic thoughts. Most of these symptoms I have had my whole life. I am under the care of a Psychiatrist and go to counseling with Lisa. I have been in counseling with Lisa for six months and she has transformed my life. […]
Continue ReadingI Owe A Debt I Can Never Repay
I wanted to briefly share my experience at Polaris with my counselor Lisa. Especially in light of recent celebrity news of the passing of Robin Williams, I have been reflecting on the decision nearly a year ago to approach Lisa after a session she was having with my daughter. To this day I am still […]
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A few months ago I decided to seek counseling. I was in a deep depression and wanted to gain a greater insight as to why I was finding myself struggling in my personal relationships. The decision to seek help was difficult and I had a lot of anxiety when arriving for my first session, but […]
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